Morris "Mojo" Jones is a tournament player with the rank of Gold Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League. Mojo is certified by the ACBL as a club director and tournament assistant, and holds every available bridge teaching accreditation. He is a past-president of ACBL Unit 507 in San Jose, and was nominated to the Goodwill Committee for ACBL District 21. He is currently tournament coordinator for the North American Pairs for District 23 (Los Angeles).
Most recently, Mojo was designated a Master Teacher by the American Bridge Teachers Association, and currently serves as Recording Secretary and President-elect for the ABTA. Mojo was recently awarded Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Member of the Year for 2023 by the ACBL Goodwill Committee.
Mojo retired in 2019 as a professional software engineer at DreamWorks Animation, with credits in ten DreamWorks productions. His last movie credit was How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. He still likes to build and host web sites for astronomy and bridge organizations as well as host his own email server.
Mojo and his wife Jane also avid amateur astronomers, having met under clear night skies in Northern California. Jane and Mojo together are founders of the Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers. Jane retired as an astronomer and outreach specialist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, and producer of the popular montly "What's Up" video podcast. Jane and Mojo were awarded with the naming of minor planet 22338 JANEMOJO in 2003.