Team Devious Jokers Monday 6:00 Eastern (3:00 Pacific)
Collected links and files for BridgeWhiz Students
Dictionary of Bridge Terms (PDF)
Bridge Basics and Play Introduction
Practice with "Just Declare" at ACBL
Great bidding practice at SAYC bridge
Just Play Bridge full game practice!
Most recent first
Class 20
- Defense Guidelines (PDF handout)
- Practice Drills - Defensive Guidelines
Class 19
- Defense - Opening Lead (PDF handout)
- Practice Drills - Opening lead
Class 18
Class 17
- Competitive bidding - Overcalls (PDF handout)
- Practice drills - overcalls
Class 16
- Strong 2 Club Openings (PDF handout)
- Practice drills - strong 2C openings
Class 15
Class 14
- Minor Suit Openings (PDF handout)
- Practice drills - minor suit openings
Class 13
Class 12
Class 11
Class 10
Class 9
- The Opening Bid (PDF handout)
- Practice drills - The Opening Bid
Class 8
Class 7
- When to Delay Drawing Trump (PDF)
- Practice drills - When not to pull trump
- Don't forget "Just Declare" in the link above!
Class 6
- Ruffing and discarding (PDF)
- Practice drills - Ruffing and discarding
- New! Practice more hands using "Just Declare" at ACBL
Class 5
Class 4
Class 3
- Using Promotion and Developing Long Suits Handout (PDF)
- Practice drills - Play Notrump - Promotion, Long Suits, and Entries
Class 2
Class 1