Now is the winter of our bridge defense!
Enjoy eight Sunday afternoons studying and practicing all of the best defense strategies used by expert players. Every hand is a new puzzle to solve with your partner. Here we study not just the common aphorisms of bridge defense ("second hand low, third hand high") but when it's right to break these rules based on the situation.
Here are the weekly topics:
- Opening leads against notrump contracts
- Opening leads against trump contracts
- Third-hand play
- Second-hand play
- Defensive signals
- Developing defensive tricks
- Interfering with declarer
- Making a plan
This is an online interactive course using Zoom for class discussions, and a virtual bridge table where you will play actual hands and experiment with card play. Required for this course:
- A reliable broadband internet connection
- Strongly recommended: A Mac or Windows laptop or desktop computer
- Some experience using Zoom, and switching between applications
- Alternative: A smartphone for Zoom, plus a tablet or laptop for the virtual bridge table
- You must have a registered (free) account on Zoom, with an email address and Zoom name. (No account required for the virtual bridge table.)
- See this page to experience joining a bridge class online.
The class is accompanied by the textbook Defense in the 21st Century from the ACBL Bridge Series. You may acquire the textbook:
- Direct from Mojo for local delivery in Pasadena for $20
- From Amazon.com at this link
Here is the schedule:
- First class, Sunday, December 6, 2020, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Meeting every Sunday for eight Sundays, last class on January 24, 2021
To enroll send an email to mojo@bridgemojo.com or use the contact form here. I will invoice you for the course fee plus book (if required).
- Course fee for Defense: $150 for eight sessions (textbook not included)
Included with the class (when possible) is a full recording of each class, available for download or viewing, for personal use only.