I'm offering two classes for November and December, Monday and Tuesday evenings. Please see the important requirements for online bridge classes below.
This is a dynamite 8-session class that introduces standard defense techniques used by expert bridge players. This course is especially effective when taught online. Our online tools make it much easier to visualize all of the hands at the table!
Class details:
- Eight Monday Evenings, 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.
- First class November 1, final class December 20
- Course fee $125
- Textbook (not included): Defense in the 21st Century from the ACBL Bridge Series, available to order online or delivered free near Pasadena for $20
Weekly lesson plan:
- Opening Leads Against Notrump Contracts
- Opening Leads Against Suit Contracts
- Third-Hand Play
- Second-Hand Play
- Defensive Signals
- Developing Defensive Tricks
- Interfering With Declarer
- Making a Plan
To register:
Follow this link to Zoom to register for the class. When your registration is recorded, you'll receive your personal Zoom link for class. I will follow up with an invoice. (Each student should register separately, but let me know if the invoice can be consolidated.)
Improving Your Judgment - Doubles
This is a six-week class that will give you lots of guidelines for making and advancing takeout doubles, along with some more situations where you can use the double to compete for the contract.
Class details:
- Six Tuesday Evenings, 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.
- First class November 2, final class December 7
- Course fee $110
- Textbook (not included): Improving Your Judgment 2 - Doubles by Audrey Grant, available to order online or delivered free near Pasadena for $12.
Weekly lesson plan:
- The Takeout Double
- Advancing a Takeout Double
- Doubler's Rebid and the Subsequent Auction
- Balancing and Other Doubles
- Practice hands
- Practice Hands
To register:
Follow this link to Zoom to register for the class. When your registration is recorded, you'll receive your personal Zoom link for class. I will follow up with an invoice. (Each student should register separately, but let me know if the invoice can be consolidated.)
Important requirements for online classes
These classes are available from the comfort of your own home, using Zoom alongside a web browser connected to your personal bridge table. These are not lecture classes! You'll be expected to participate in live exercises and bridge play.
You will need a reliable high-speed broadband internet connection, and a modern laptop or desktop computer. Do not use a tablet computer for these classes. You'll want to have lots of screen space, and a good mouse and keyboard.
Your computer will need to have a microphone and camera connected and working with Zoom.
You will need to be comfortable running two or more applications on your computer simultaneously, switching between them, and adjusting their size and position on the screen as needed. If you are not completely familiar with this, please do not attempt to join these bridge classes. Computer technical support will not be available!
For examples of what it's like to join bridge class online, visit How to join bridge class and see the video appropriate for you.